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You're hiring into an existing company culture. Assess that culture, or even better, create it, then hire soulmates for your organization. Company culture encompasses the collective values, believs, behaviour, and work style of the employees.
Finding those candidates who align well with your company culture is critical for the success of your business. Employees who identify more with their employer tend to be happier, more satisfied with their jobs, and more committed to the organization, and then tend to experience greater job satisfaction. They integrate more easily into existing teams, contribute positively to the work atmosphere, and are most likely to stay with the company.
From sourcing, screening, interviewing and onboarding, Powered By Ferrari is a broker staffing firm that is able to close any gaps you have in your process helping you retain top talent and get them up to speed quickly.
At Powered By Ferrari, we’ve spent the last 17+ years developing and nurturing a variety of talent pools across many sectors in Hospitality.
With many different models of engagement, you may decide on a direct-hire, Temp-to-Perm or a Probation engagement with Powered By Ferrari. You’re then able to test out a new employee to see if they are a good fit for your work model, culture, work ethic, skills needs and most importantly customer service.
1. Referrals
2. Website
3. Networking & Business events
4. Schools, Colleges & Universities
5. LinkedIn & other Professional sites
Other than LinkedIn we try to stay away from Social Media
1. Relevant Experience
2. Accomplishments
3. Valid Certifications
4. Education
5. Availability / School
6. Commute Time
7. English Proficiency
Experience is the depth and relevance of the candidate's past work history and achievements. Relevant experience can indicate a candidate's ability to handle the specific tasks and challenges associated with the role.
But you must look at experience in terms of both its relevance and its depth. How advanced is the candidate in their career path? Experience provides candidates with opportunities to learn from successes and failures.
It's also critical to verify the infomation that they are providing to you about their work experience.
Its also to critical to verify the information that they are providing to you about their work experience. This can be done easily if you are conducting quality reference checks where you ask the referee about the tasks the candidate performed for them, whether these were part of the job description or not.
Pre-screen Candidate Part 1
1. Resume facts 1-7 above
2. Long / Short Term Goals
3. Salary
If Salary range has been communicated and negotiated continue with Pre-screen part 2
Pre-screen Candidate Part 2
4. Canadian Status
5. Vehicle access
6. Uniform, Shoes & Tools
7. Job Description
If Job Description is communicated and understood continue with Pre-screen part 3
Pre-screen Candidate Part 3
8. Reliability, Punctuality & Attendance
9. Trust & Integrity
10. Following Directions
11. Inform Background checks
12. Candidate asks questions
If Candidate is a Direct Hire or a Temp to Perm Hire, communicate findings with Client
Next Steps if Client & Candidate approves…
Reference Check
Background Criminal Check
Interview for short list & FIT
1. Remaining Questions
2. Situational Questions
3. Strengths & Weaknesses
4. Candidate asks questions
If Candidate is successful at this point continue to next steps
Scientific assessments such as reliable and reputable personality tests can give you a glimpse into a candidate's behavioural attributes. We recommend our clients use these behavioural assessments or personality test tools to help them observe, describe, explain, and predict a candidate's behhaviour and better understand how candidates might fit into your team and company culture.
Interview for short list & FIT & CVI
1. Remaining Questions
2. Situational Questions
3. Strengths & Weaknesses
4. Candidate asks questions
5. CVI Assessment
If Candidate is successful at this point continue to P.O.P assessment
Predictor of Performance (P.O.P.) Assessment
1. Skill
2. Fit
3. Values
4. Characteristics
5. Leadership
6. Teamwork
7. Proactive thinking
8. Analytical thinking
POP™ - Predictor of Performance
Our POP™ assessments use science and advanced statistical methods to help you with your selection, training, and development decisions in a wide variety of industries and roles. Customize any of our POP™ personality assessments with validated add-ons: Integrity, Trust, Positive Person Inventory, Emotional Quotient, Fluid Intelligence Test, Diversity and Inclusion, Cognitive Skills, and Biographics.
Communicate Mandatory Training
or Missing Mandatory Certificates
Communication with Client
Client Feedback for Direct Hires or Temp to Perm Programs
Hire or Send Offer Letter to candidate
Keep in mind that it will likely take time to find the right candidate. Patience is a virtue and a must, especially in a chalenging job market. You need to both efficiently review applications and ensure thorough evaluation of each candidate. And using a combination of automated tools and predefined criteria can help you be successful in navigating through hundreds of candidates to find the best one. The entire pre-employment screening process can take days and sometimes weeks, depending on the types of checks that you require. On top of hard facts, we also recommend to our clients that they listen to their gut feeling about a person, always, throughout the entire recruiting process. This is a skill that can be strengthened when yiu learn to trust your intuition.
By now, you undertand the importance of a thorough, well-rounded evaluation to find candidates that truly fit your organization's needs, both today and into the future. However, no matter how meticulous your process is, making the final hiring decision is still complicated, with many factors to consider. This is where partnering with an expert background-screening firm can provide enormous value.
Partnering with experts takes the guesswork out of ensuring you're making the safest choice. Their screening standards and processes are written by legal and HR compliance specialists to fully adhere to the guidlines of the Employment Equity Act in Canada, or similar legislation in other countries. You can have peace of mind that selecting a candidate who passes their screening puts you on solid legal ground.
In the end, you need to feel confident in your hiring choices. By leveraging the skills of a creening expert, you gain an extra set of objective eyes protecting your business interests while maintaining fairness for applicants. Dont leave such an important responsibility by chance - make verifications by an expert a vital step foe every hire.